Canada - British Columbia Workforce Development Agreement

Information for reference This text copy of the bilateral transfer agreement between the Government of Canada and British Columbia is provided for reference and research purposes only. The final signed version of the agreement is the official version between the parties.

Between The Government of Canada (hereinafter referred to as “Canada”), as represented by the Minister of Labour styled as the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour; And The Government of British Columbia (hereinafter referred to as “British Columbia”), as represented by the Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training; Whereas Canada has entered into labour market transfer agreements with Provinces and Territories entitled the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities, the Canada Job Fund Agreements and the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers Agreements; Whereas Canada announced in Budget 2017 a commitment to make these labour market transfer agreements simpler and more flexible by consolidating them into new Workforce Development Agreements; Whereas Canada and British Columbia recognize the importance of working together to smoothly transition from these previous agreements to the new Workforce Development Agreement; Whereas following consultations with stakeholders and collaborative discussions with Provinces and Territories in 2016, Canada and British Columbia have agreed to shared objectives, principles and areas of focus for investment under the Workforce Development Agreement and Labour Market Development Agreement in supporting an integrated, client-centred, outcomes-driven employment and training system in British Columbia, as outlined in this Agreement; Whereas Canada and British Columbia recognize the importance of engaging with and working collaboratively and respectfully with Indigenous peoples; Whereas the Workforce Development Agreements will provide improved administrative efficiency and better alignment of processes with the Labour Market Development Agreements; Whereas Canada and British Columbia agree that British Columbia has primary responsibility for the design, delivery and ongoing improvement of employment and training programs funded under this Agreement; Whereas Canada and British Columbia agree that British Columbia has the flexibility for determining what services to deliver and how such services will be delivered to best meet their unique and local labour market needs; Whereas Canada and British Columbia agree that the Eligible Programs under this Agreement are focused on achieving positive outcomes for Eligible Beneficiaries; Whereas Canada and British Columbia agree that British Columbia utilizes an approach to delivering Eligible Programs under this Agreement that involves a collaborative and cooperative arrangement between multiple provincial ministries and agreements with external agencies in order to maximize the value of the Parties’ financial contributions; Whereas Canada and British Columbia agree that Canadians should have access to employment and training programming that addresses all critical points along the path towards full participation in the labour market; Whereas Canada and British Columbia agree on the importance of continuous improvement based on strengthened labour market information, sharing best practices, fostering innovation, and sharing information on federal and provincial labour market programs delivered in the province of British Columbia; Whereas Canada and British Columbia agree to a shared commitment to transparency and accountability to Canadians with regards to the use of funding and the public reporting of outcomes under this Agreement; Whereas Canada and British Columbia agree that it is critical to put in place the necessary performance measurement and evaluation frameworks to track outcomes, demonstrate results, and inform program and policy development; Whereas Canada has agreed to support employment and training programs in British Columbia by providing funding to British Columbia under this Agreement towards Eligible Programs and Program Administration Costs that support the Parties’ shared objectives outlined in this Agreement; Whereas Canada and British Columbia agree to ensure continued support for persons with disabilities in gaining and maintaining meaningful employment; Whereas Canada is authorized to enter into this Agreement pursuant to sections 7 and 10 of Canada's Department of Employment and Social Development Act; Whereas British Columbia’s Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training is authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of British Columbia pursuant to sections 9 to 14 of the Constitution Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 66, and OIC 778/2008, OIC 652/2010, OIC 062/2011, OIC 594/2012 and OIC 213/2017; Accordingly, Canada and British Columbia agree as follows:


But does not include

“Workforce Development Committee” means the bilateral Canada-British Columbia committee established under section 30;

Purpose of Agreement

2. The purpose of this Agreement is to set out:

Vision, objectives and principles

3. Canada and British Columbia share a common vision for the delivery of integrated, client-centred, outcomes-driven, employment and training programs that responds to the evolving needs of individuals, employers, and communities in British Columbia.

4. (1) Canada and British Columbia agree to the objectives of this Agreement as set out below:

(2) Canada and British Columbia accept the principles of this Agreement as set out below:

Roles and responsibilities

5. (1) Canada and British Columbia agree that British Columbia has the primary responsibility for the design and delivery of labour market programs in British Columbia under this Agreement based on British Columbia labour market needs.

(2) Canada and British Columbia agree that program administration and management of the Agreement will be structured to minimize the administrative burden for Eligible Beneficiaries.

Areas of focus

6. (1) British Columbia agrees to support flexibility in programming and provide employment, training and other supports to Eligible Beneficiaries to improve their ability to perform their current job, prepare for a new job, enhance their labour market participation, help them develop the skills needed to find and keep a job, improve their labour market outcomes, and develop their workforce.

(2) Canada and British Columbia agree that to support flexibility in programming, the Eligible Programs of British Columbia funded under this Agreement will fall within any of the following areas of focus:

Eligible programs

7. British Columbia agrees that the Eligible Programs will fall within the areas of focus set out in section 6 and may include, but are not limited to, those that support the following activities:

Eligible beneficiaries

8. British Columbia agrees to use the funding provided under this Agreement to provide assistance under its Eligible Programs to:

9. Canada and British Columbia agree that although Eligible Beneficiaries include Indigenous peoples, Canada will continue to provide its own labour market programs for Indigenous peoples. Canada and British Columbia agree, through the Workforce Development Committee, to better coordinate the delivery of their respective programs for Indigenous peoples.

10. British Columbia agrees not to place a minimum residency requirement on individuals seeking assistance under the Eligible Programs being funded under this Agreement.

Financial provisions

Canada’s annual contribution

11. (1) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in each Fiscal Year during the Period of this Agreement, Canada agrees to make a contribution to British Columbia in respect of the Eligible Costs incurred in that Fiscal Year of an amount not exceeding the amount, rounded to the nearest thousand, determined by the formula