Format of Contract Account: Everything You Need to Know

Format of contract account refers to how the various expenses related to a given contract will be organized and accounted for. Contracts are usually undertaken as per a customer’s requirements, and so a unique account containing the details pertaining to each contract should be kept. These details will include the costs and profits associated with that account. As the tasks entailed by the contract are completed, costs associated with it will be tallied in the account to be added or not into the final cost of the contracted product or service, as is stipulated by the contract.

Contract Account Costs

Direct costs that may be detailed and debited in a contract account may include:

Indirect costs that may be charged on an equitable basis to a contract account may include:

The difference between the costs associated with an account and what is paid into that account will represent the net profit or net loss from a particular contracted project. Any profit considered yet to be earned from a contract is considered notional profit, since it has not yet been paid and is purely speculative. Costs, however, are never notional, since they must be paid at the time they are incurred.

Contract Account Terms

Some terms associated with contract accounting that may be useful to be familiar with include:

Contract Accounting Procedures

For each type of cost associated with a contract account, there are certain procedures, or best practices, associated with accounting for those costs. Examples of cost types and their associated procedures include:

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