File a Canadian patent application: Complete your application

The application you write will become your patent. Make sure the description, claims and drawings in your application are clear and follow the formatting requirements.

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Application checklist

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Your patent application must include the following:

The petition is your formal request for a patent and includes:

If you file online, you can use an auto-generated petition. Otherwise, use the Petition for Grant of Patent form to generate a printable petition to include with your application.

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Statement of entitlement

You must provide one of the following statements:

Include this statement in either:

You must provide the names and addresses of all inventors.

The abstract is a short summary (150 words or fewer) that describes your invention and says how it can be used. Abstracts are mainly used for searching patent databases.

In your abstract:

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The claims you make in your application are the legal foundation that protects your invention. They form a boundary around your patent defining your invention. They let others know when they are trespassing on your rights.

When you write the claims section, consider the scope, characteristics and structure of your claims.


Each claim should have only 1 meaning, which can be either broad (general and high level) or narrow (more specific), but not both at the same time.

Writing many claims, where each has its own scope, means you can get legal title to several aspects of your invention.

Examples of claim scope

Read the claims in patent application A. Notice how the section begins with broad claims and then moves towards claims that are narrower in scope.

In patent application B, the first claim keeps getting referred to by later claims. This means that all the features in the first claim are also included in the later claims. As more features are added, the claims become narrower in scope.


When you are writing your claims, make sure that they are:


A claim is a single sentence (statement) made up of 3 parts:

  1. Preamble (or introductory phrase)
    The preamble names the category of the invention, and sometimes the purpose (for example, a machine for waxing paper, a composition for fertilizing soil).
  2. Purview (or body)
    The purview lists the main parts of the invention, such as parts of a device, steps of a process or method, ingredients of a composition or groups in the chemical formula of a compound.
  3. Transitional phrase
    The transitional phrase describes how the body of the claim relates to the introductory phrase. It helps assess the scope of the claim as the phrase can be restrictive or permissive in nature. It joins the previous 2 parts. It is made up of words and phrases such as:

In the following example, "A data input device" is the preamble, "comprising" is the transitional phrase, and the rest of the claim is the body.

"A data input device comprising:

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The description must be able to answer the questions of "what is your invention" and "how does it work." It should be clear enough that someone else could make and use the invention using only the description you provide.

Make sure your description is a complete and full description. This is important because you can't add any new information to your patent application once you have filed it.

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Whenever possible, include a drawing for inventions. If you can't illustrate your invention with drawings, you may include photographs that show the invention with your application.

Your drawing must:

Do not submit models and specimens of your invention.

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Sequence listing (if applicable)

If your description contains the sequence of a new protein or nucleic acid, your application must contain a sequence listing. The formatting of the sequence listing follows international standards.

To get help to create and check the formatting of a sequence listing, visit the Biological Sequence Listing Verification Program page.

Your application may include the following

Small entity declaration (if applicable)

A small entity declaration is a declaration that you are a small entity. You can provide it in the petition or in a separate document. A small entity declaration only needs to be provided once. The statement must refer to all applicants and it must be signed by the appointed patent agent or by another person authorized under the Patent Rules (see chapter 10.02.02 of MOPOP for clarification about who may sign a small entity declaration).

If you want to benefit from paying all fees at the reduced rate, we recommended submitting it when you file your application.

Small entities are:

All fees are reduced for small entities. If you think you qualify, use the small entity declaration tool to learn how to submit a small entity declaration.

Common representative appointment document (if applicable)

If there is more than 1 applicant, the applicants can appoint a common representative from among the applicants. If the applicants do not appoint one, an applicant will be deemed appointed.

The common representative represents all applicants when taking certain actions, such as appointing a patent agent.

To appoint a common representative, include a statement that clearly appoints a common representative in either of the following:

You must hire a patent agent if:

To appoint an agent, include a statement that clearly appoints an agent in either of the following:

If you have previously filed an application for the same invention, you can claim priority to that application.

To claim priority, provide the following information about the previously filed application in the petition or in a separate document:

If the previously filed application is not a Canadian application, you must provide:

Application formatting requirements

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Format for text

The format for the application text is as follows:

Use the following margin dimensions (figure 2):

The only things you can write in the margins are the file reference number (in one of the upper corners) and the line numbering for the description and claims (left margin).

Number the pages of the description and claims in order at the centre of the top or bottom of the page. The page number can't be inside the margins. You can number the lines of the description and of the claims in the left margin. Number each claim in order.

In most cases, the page layout is upright (portrait orientation). If it helps to present the information, you can format the drawings, formulas and tables using a landscape orientation, with the top of the figure at the left side of the page (figure 5).

Format for drawings

The format for drawings in the application is as follows:

There can't be any folds or creases, erasures or underlining in your drawings because they must be clear enough to be electronically reproduced.

The paper size should be either:

The dimensions for the margins must also be:

In the margins, the file reference number (in one of the upper corners) may be inserted.

Draw all the parts of the same figure in proportion to each other (i.e., do not make any part of the figure larger or smaller to highlight anything) unless a difference in proportion is needed to make the drawing clear.

Numbers, letters and reference characters

Use reference characters like numbers or letters to help you identify the different parts of the invention shown in the drawing.

Use the same numbers, letters and reference characters for a particular feature throughout the abstract, description, claims and drawings. Any number, letter or reference character that does not appear in the description can't appear in the drawings, and vice versa.

You can place several drawings on a single page. If you have a drawing that is spread over more than 1 page, you must arrange each part of the drawing so that the entire drawing can be put together without hiding any part of the drawing. You must place the drawings together at the end of the application, after the claims.

Example patent applications

To help you determine how to write your application, here are 2 examples of a completed patent application:

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