Following is C# demo code for Word (.docx/.dotm/.docm/.dotx) to PDF conversion.
String inputPath = @"C:\demo.docx"; String outputPath = @"C:\output.pdf"; //convert .docx to .pdf DOCXDocument doc = new DOCXDocument(inputPath); doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, outputPath);
Following demo code will show how to convert Word2003(.doc) to PDF.
String inputPath = @"C:\demo.doc"; String outputPath = @"C:\output.pdf"; //convert .doc to .pdf DOCDocument doc = new DOCDocument(inputPath); doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, outputPath);
When you convert Office Word (.docx) document to PDF file, you can generate PDF outline (bookmark) from Word document heading content or bookmarks.
There are four options for OutlineMode:
String inputFilePath = @"C:\1.docx"); String outputFilePath = @"C:\output.pdf"); DOCXDocument doc = new DOCXDocument(inputFilePath); // Set strategy used to create outline entries for the document. // Default: OutlineMode.ByOutlineLevel doc.OutlineSetting.Mode = OutlineMode.ByHeading; // Set the maximum level of entires in the outline. // Valid range: 1 ~ 9; default value: 3 doc.OutlineSetting.MaxLevel = 2; // Convert DOCX document to PDF file. doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, outputFilePath);
Convert MS Office Word 2007 (.docx) file to PDF using single thread
String inputDirectory = @"C:\input\"; String outputDirectory = @"C:\output\"; String[] files = Directory.GetFiles(inputDirectory, "*.docx"); foreach (String filePath in files) < int startIdx = filePath.LastIndexOf("\\"); int endIdx = filePath.LastIndexOf("."); String docName = filePath.Substring(startIdx + 1, endIdx - startIdx - 1); DOCXDocument doc = new DOCXDocument(filePath); doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, outputDirectory + docName + ".pdf"); >
Convert MS Office Word 2007 (.docx) file to PDF using multiple threads
#region word to pdf (batch file and multiple threads) internal static void docxfiles2pdf() < String inputDirectory = @"C:\input\"; String outputDirectory = @"C:\output\"; String[] files = Directory.GetFiles(inputDirectory, "*.docx"); List args = new List(); foreach (String filePath in files) < int startIdx = filePath.LastIndexOf("\\"); int endIdx = filePath.LastIndexOf("."); String docName = filePath.Substring(startIdx + 1, endIdx - startIdx - 1); ConversionArgs arg = new ConversionArgs(filePath, outputDirectory + docName + ".pdf"); args.Add(arg); > List threads = new List(); foreach (ConversionArgs arg in args) < Thread thread = new Thread(docxToPdfThread); thread.Start(arg); > foreach (Thread thread in threads) < thread.Join(); >> private static void docxToPdfThread(object args) < ConversionArgs toPdfArgs = (ConversionArgs)args; DOCXDocument srcDoc = new DOCXDocument(toPdfArgs.SrcPath); if (srcDoc != null) < srcDoc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, toPdfArgs.DstPath); srcDoc.Dispose(); >> #endregion
#region combine and convert word(2007 or higher) to single pdf internal static void combineAndConvertwordToPdf() < String[] files = new String[] < @"C:\demo1.docx", @"C:\demo2.docx", @"C:\demo3.docx" >; String outputFilePath = @"C:\output.pdf"; List streams = new List(); foreach (String file in files) < MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream(); DOCXDocument doc = new DOCXDocument(file); doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, outputStream); streams.Add(outputStream); > PDFDocument.CombineDocument(streams.ToArray(), outputFilePath); > #endregion
#region insert word(2007 or higher) to pdf internal static void insertwordToPdf() < String filePath = @"C:\demo.docx"; DOCXDocument doc = new DOCXDocument(filePath); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, stream); PDFDocument pdf = new PDFDocument(stream); int pageCount = pdf.GetPageCount(); List pages = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) < pages.Add(pdf.GetPage(i)); >String outputPdf = @"C:\output.pdf"; PDFDocument desDoc = new PDFDocument(outputPdf); int insertLocation = 2; desDoc.InsertPages(pages.ToArray(), insertLocation); desDoc.Save(@"C:\desDocumcnet.pdf"); > #endregion
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