About MAA

THE MASSACHUSETTS AUCTIONEERS ASSOCIATION is the organization for the professional auctioneer who performs auctions in the State of Massachusetts. It was established to allow a medium in which the professional auctioneer can stay abreast of the latest auction procedures, education, license law changes and other events that would effect the auction profession.

The Statement of Purpose

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State Laws

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Whereas, it is necessary to fit ourselves for the responsibility of Auctioneers, to cultivate a spirit of cooperation, to improve our profession, to protect the interest of the Auctioneer and, to protect the public against unscrupulous practices, therefore, be it resolved, that we do constitute ourselves the Massachusetts Auctioneers Association, Inc., and do adopt for our government, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations.

ARTICLE I | Name and Offices

The Association, known as the “Massachusetts Auctioneer’s Association, Inc.,” will have its headquarters and principal offices located at the residence or business office of the duly elected Secretary. The Board of Directors may from time to time (if deemed in the best interests of the Association) designate or establish additional or alternative office locations.

ARTICLE II | Objectives:

The objectives of this Association shall be to promote and advance the auction profession; to protect the public from unscrupulous practices; to provide standards of ethical conduct for Auctioneers; to regulate and supervise the conduct of its members, to provide a forum for settlement of differences among them; to promote the public welfare through the advancement of skill and the establishment of high standards; to build prestige and respect for its members and their profession; to protect and advance the auctioneer in all matters of legislation or regulation; to discuss matters of common interest; to promote fellowship among its members; to provide technical and professional training; to provide advertising and publicity for the membership as a whole; to assist any member conduct his or her auction should the member through no fault of his or her own, or through uncontrollable circumstances, be unable to do so; to cooperate with the policies, practices and programs of National Auctioneers Association, government agencies and others having common interests and, to provide a united voice for auctioneers.

ARTICLE III | Membership Classification & Requirements

Section 1. Application for Membership
The Board of Directors will deem eligible for Membership any licensed auctioneer or person engaged in an auction related business. The Board shall adopt Standing Rules for membership, and shall have the authority to establish qualifications, privileges and dues for all classes of membership.

Section 2. Membership Classifications

  1. Regular Member: Any Auctioneer licensed, residing or regularly conducting auction business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and who subscribes to the MSAA Code of Ethics. A Regular Member shall have all the rights and privileges of the Association.
  2. Affiliate Member: Individuals who are not Auctioneers but who are involved in the auction or auction-related business or, auctioneers who are not licensed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts but who are licensed or authorized under law to conduct auctions in any other State and pledge to support and affiliate themselves with this Association. An Affiliate Member shall have all the rights and privileges of the Association except voting rights and Association web site listing privileges.
  3. Auction Staff: Individuals who work directly for, or are employees of an MSAA member, in good standing. An Auction Staff Member shall have all the rights and privileges of the Association except voting rights, logo display rights and Association directory and web site listing privileges.
  4. Company Membership: Auctioneers who work for companies or organizations that employ multiple auctioneers who operate under the same company name may be enrolled under this special membership classification and shall have a member classification of Regular Member. No memberships under a corporate, company or organizational name shall be considered.
  5. Student: To qualify for Student Membership, an applicant must be a student enrolled in a formal course of education, or have completed his or her formal education less than one (1) year prior to the date of application for membership. Student Members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office.

Section 3. Resignation
Any Member may resign at any time from the Association by delivering a written resignation to the President or Secretary of the Association. Resignation of a Member does not relieve the Member from any obligations the Member may have to the Association as a result of obligations incurred or commitments made prior to resignation.

ARTICLE IV | Officers

The Officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, each to serve one year or until a successor has been elected. Six (6) Directors shall be elected, whose term of office shall be three (3) years, with two (2) Directors elected each year. The immediate Past President shall become the seventh voting Director for One (1) year or until succeeded by the next immediate Past President.

ARTICLE V | Duties of Officers and Directors

Section 1. President
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association; to enforce a due observance of the Bylaws, Rules, and Regulations; to decide all questions of order; to offer for consideration all motions regularly made; to call all Special Meetings of the Association and Board of Directors; to appoint all Committees not otherwise provided for and to perform such other duties as his office may require. He or she shall conduct all meetings in accordance with Article XIV of the Bylaws. He or she shall make no motion, or amendment, nor vote on any question or motion unless the members are equally divided, when he or she shall cast the deciding vote.

Section 2. Vice President
It shall be the duty of the Vice President to Preside in the absence of the President and perform the duties of that office, and to perform duties the President may so direct.

Section 3. Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the records of the Association; to notify new members of their admission and their requirements for being sworn in; to keep a roster of the membership; to keep a record of attendance of all meetings and functions of the Association, to issue all notices required or on behalf of the Association, and to perform all duties pertaining to the office as may be required by the Association and to keep an accurate record and minutes of all meetings.

Section 4. Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and account for all monies of the Association; to receive and account to the Secretary, in a timely manner, all dues received by the Association, to pay the bills of the Association, to keep the accounting and banking records up to date, to present and account for all financial transaction of the Association at all meetings and, be subject to audit at any time by any Association Auditing Committee. In any event, books will be reviewed annually by a committee appointed by the President.

Section 5. Board of Directors
The authority of the Association shall be vested in the Board of Directors consisting of the Officers and Directors of the Association. The Board of Directors shall determine all policy of the Association and shall have full management of the Association; they shall consider on all applications for membership, and may exercise all the powers necessary or desirable for the good of the Association, subject to the provisions of the Bylaws. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall be the President of the Association and the Vice-Chairperson shall be the Vice President of the Association.

Section 6. Quorum
Any combination of six (6) members of the Board of Directors present at any Board of Directors meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of doing business. The Board of Directors may, at the discretion of the President, conduct the business of the Association via teleconference or Internet based communication, either in real time or by polling the Board Members via email.

Section 7. Board Meetings
The Board of Directors shall conduct regular meetings. Unless otherwise ordered by the President, they will be on the second Monday of January, March, September, and, November. Board meeting locations shall be determined by the President. Any Officer or Board member may have his office declared vacant for failure to attend any two (2) meetings annually of either a general meeting or a meeting of the Board of Directors, unless excused by the President. Vacancies may be declared by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at any official meeting of the Board of Directors. Officers and Directors shall attend all regular and special meetings of the Association.

Section 8. Authority to engage an Executive Director
The Board of Directors, by an affirmative vote of at least 2/3, shall have the authority to hire for compensation, an Executive Director and, to delegate certain and specific responsibilities to said Executive Director to assist the Officers of the Association.

Section 9. Compensation
All Officers and Directors shall serve without compensation or, expectation of favor of any kind with respect to their service.