Simple Hunting Lease Agreement Template

This simple hunting lease agreement template details the rights of each party in the hunting process. Tailored for hunters and landowners alike, this template provides a straightforward framework for outlining hunting rights, responsibilities, and terms.

Property: (Property.Name)

Address: (Property.Street) (Property.City) (Property.State) (Property.Zip)


This Hunting Lease Agreement (“Lease”) is entered into by and between [Landowner.FirstName] [Landowner.LastName] (“Landowner”) and [Hunter.FirstName] [Hunter.LastName] (“Hunter”) on the (Date). The Lease collectively refers to the Landowner and Hunter as Parties. The Hunter acknowledges that they stand as a representative for any other hunters in their hunting party. This agreement’s terms will also apply to those hunters.

Parties agree to the following:

Landowner grants to the Hunting Party/Hunter exclusive/non-exclusive license and right to shoot and hunt recreationally on the land as legally described below:

Hunter and their Hunting Party acknowledge that their hunting activities will comply with the laws and regulations of the United States of America and the state of [Landowner.State] .


This section is where you can describe in more detail what the hunters are allowed to hunt or the type of activities they can do.

Hunter may only use this Property for the exclusive use of hunting and not for any other purpose other than what is defined below:

Shooting and Hunting animals

Playing games lawfully permitted for hunting

Lease Term and Payment

The initial term of this Lease starts on the (Start.Date) and ends on the (End.Date), unless both Parties agree in writing to extend it for a further period of (Number) days/weeks/months. Hunter agrees to pay Landowner $(Amount) to lease the Property for this duration, provided it complies with the legal hunting season and state laws and regulations.

Surrender of Property

Once the Lease terminates, Hunter and Hunting Party agrees to remove all personal property and structures they placed unless the Landowner agrees to allow it on the Property. All personal property and facilities left behind on the Property will become the possessions of the Landowner once the Lease ends.

The Hunter agrees to surrender the Property in as good a condition as it was upon the start of the Lease, except for the reasonable wear and tear and damages by the elements expected.

Hunter Responsibilities

This section of the template is critical to ensure the hunters know what you expect of them. If you have any rules, add them here, along with safety measures they should follow concerning fires, firearm safety, etc.

Subletting and Authorizes Persons

Hunter agrees not to sublet the Property or assign a third party to this Lease without the prior written permission of the Landowner. Only the Hunter and their authorized Hunting Party, detailed below, may use the Property for the abovementioned purpose. The authorized Hunting Party members (“Hunting Party”) are:

(Member.Name) (Member.Name) (Member.Name)

Fire Prevention

Hunter shall not cause any fire on the Property and agree to use any safety measures and exercise extreme care to prevent fire damage on the Property. The Hunting Party/Hunter also agrees to report any wildfires immediately to the Landowner and, if needed, to the proper authorities.

Compliance with Law

The Hunter agrees to abide by all federal, state, and local hunting regulations, including any quotas set by the Landowner. The Hunter will report and testify to any violations of the law or regulations and fully cooperate with local and state law enforcement.

Firearm Safety

The Hunter agrees to maintain proper firearm safety procedures, including but not limited to ensuring firearms are unloaded while in a vehicle. The Hunting Party will hold a no-shooting zone within 100 yards of any occupied building and designated public area.

Landowner Responsibilities

The Landowner acknowledges the following basic safety features on the Property: (Safety.Features). Beyond these features, the Landowner carries no responsibility to prevent trespassing or poaching for the duration of the Lease.

The Landowner agrees not to permit other hunting parties to use the Property for the duration of this Lease without first informing the Hunter using a written notice at least (Number) days in advance.

Upon request, the Landowner agrees to give the Hunting Party/Hunter a tour of the Property, but the Hunter understands that the Property is mainly untamed and undeveloped lands. It is thus virtually impossible for the Landowner to give the Hunter a breakdown of all possible dangers and risks on the Property, and the Hunter and their Hunting Party enter at their own risk.


The Hunter agrees to defend, release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Landowner and their agents, directors, officers, heirs, assignees, and employees from and against all fines, claims, liability, damages, settlements, suits, demains, or causes of action arising out of any loss, injury, illness, or death arising from anything done or omitted under this Lease.

The Hunting Party/Hunter hereby agrees to hold harmless the Landowner from and against any and every claim or demand, including but not limited to attorney fees, expenses, or fees arising from the activities of the Hunter on the Property.